Health Benefits of Corn


Health Benefits of Corn


Corn it is scientifically known as Zea mays is usually considered a vegetable but corn or maize is actually a grain rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. There are many types of corn available in the market most common and widely used are  yellow but in some countries they comes in a variety of other colors, such as red, orange, purple, blue, white, and black.

Health benefits of corn include controlling diabetes, prevention of heart ailments, lowering hypertension and prevention of neural-tube defects at birth. Sweet corn is one of the most popular vegetables.

It is loved by all age group of people because of its sweet flavor. This vegetable, although being sweet and delicious, is a great source or many vitamins and minerals. Sweet corn is very rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B5, vitamin C, phosphorus, manganese, folate and dietary fiber. Because of the vitamins contained in sweet corn, many health benefits can be associated with the consumption of this delicious vegetable. It helps in digestions so can be eaten for dinner as a side dish. It tastes amazing when tossed with little butter and proves to be a healthy evening time snack for munching.Corn has useful nutrients that promote good hair health. The vitamins in corn are able to help the hair strands replenish moisture and sheen from within.

Healthiest way to cook Corn

There are many different yet simple ways to cook corn. Corn on the cob can be boiled, microwaved, grilled, steamed, or baked, while loose kernel corn is usually boiled, steamed, or microwaved.

  • One pot method – In this open pot method, you can boil corn in water until soft, takes about 5-10 mins depends on the corn variety.
  • Steaming -You can use a idli pot, pour water inside place the steaming basket over it (without touching water) and steam corn, this method takes little extra time and I mostly don’t prefer this during my busy hours.
  • Pressure cooking – This is the easiest method, add corn, just pour water and pressure cook for 3-4 whistles. Let the pressure release by itself and you are done.

P.S-You can drain water and use it as a stock for soups for any curries you make.

Top 10 Benefits of Corn

Corn provides many health benefits due to the presence of quality nutrients within. Besides being a delicious addition to any meal, it is also rich in phytochemicals, and it provides protection against a number of chronic diseases. Some of the well-researched and widespread health benefits of corn are listed below.

  • → Rich source of calories
  • → Lowers LDL Cholesterol
  • → Vitamin-A Content
  • → Controls diabetes and hypertension
  • → Reduces risk of hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer
  • → Rich source of vitamins & provides necessary minerals
  • → Antioxidant properties
  • → Protecting Your Heart
  • → Prevents Anemia
  • → Cosmetic benefits

Nutritional Value of Corn

Here are the nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of boiled yellow corn (1Trusted Source):

  • Calories: 96
  • Water: 73%
  • Protein: 3.4 grams
  • Carbs: 21 grams
  • Sugar: 4.5 grams
  • Fiber: 2.4 grams
  • Fat: 1.5 grams

Let Us Bust Some Common Myths about Corn

Corn Is Not Healthy

Whether you ravish corn off the cob while walking down the road, or you gorge on a big tub of popcorn while watching a movie on your comfy couch, or you stuff your mouth with spoonfuls of well garnished sweet corn, the grain has satisfied many a hungry soul. However, corn has come under a lot of scrutiny by people who believe that it is not good for health. While discussing the benefits above of corn it is just clear that corn are not only delicious but also healthy. But too much is not good.

It is high in sugar

People might associate the word ‘sweet’ in sweet corn with an addition of sugars like high fructose corn syrup or glucose, but that is not true. Sweet corn is in fact a different variety of corn, and just like other varieties, it occurs naturally. It is harvested before the kernels are fully matured, with sugar and starch being present in higher amounts at that stage. Even though it has more sugar than other types of corn, sweet corn contains only 6 grams of sugar in a medium sized cob, which is less sugar than what is present in most fruits.

It is not nutritious

One might wonder if these tiny kernels are capable of carrying any nutrition. The answer is, yes. Corn is loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, phytochemicals that improve vision. It also contains insoluble fiber which helps in feeding the good bacteria in the gut, improving digestion. Many vitamins like vitamins B and C, and minerals like iron, potassium, and magnesium are also present. Corn is also a decent source of protein, with one medium sized cob packing a modest 3.3 grams of protein.

It is genetically modified

While corn is the most genetically modified plant species, most of it is used to feed livestock and to make high fructose corn syrup. Fresh corn and sweet corn do not undergo genetic modification, so they are safe to consume. If you still doubt the authenticity of the corn, look for non-GMO (genetically modified organisms) varieties like organic or frozen corn.

​Cooking it removes the nutrition

When heated, the nutritional composition of many foods changes, with some vitamins and minerals getting lost in the process. While this is true even for sweet corn, it does not make it any less healthy. While cooking sweet corn does eliminate some of its vitamin C content, it also boosts the antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are important to lower the risk of problems like Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Cooking sweet corn also increases the amount of ferulic acid, a compound that helps in fighting cancer.

​It is bad since it is hard to digest

It is true that corn is not the easiest food to digest. Its high insoluble fiber content goes through the body as it is, to maintain optimum bowel health. However, this is not a bad thing, as sweet corn provides the body with enough fiber to feed the good bacteria in the gut, which play a role in maintaining digestive health.


Sweet Corn is a subject of myths and backlash. The reality is that Sweet corn is a nutritious food that provides many health benefits. Do not believe anyone who tells you that corn is unhealthy. The way you prepare it might change the nutritional composition, but when we talk about fresh sweet corn, it is as healthy and nutritious as any other vegetable that you eat.

Sweet Corn Recipes

  1.      Corn Capsicum Paneer Subzi
  2.      Corn & Capsicum Shorba

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