Health Benefits of Broccoli

broccoli health benefits

Health Benefits of Broccoli


Broccoli it is scientifically known as Brassica oleracea is considered a super food because of its nutritional value.This popular vegetable is mostly related to cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. These vegetables are known for their numerous beneficial health effects. Broccoli is high in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium.

A single serving of broccoli contains a remarkable 220 percent of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C for maintaining healthy skin and eyes, but it’s also been found to have an impact on the vascular system.

Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head, stalk and small associated leaves are eaten as a vegetable.Broccoli is a good source of fibre and protein, and contains iron, potassium, calcium, selenium and magnesium as well as the vitamins A, C, E, K and a good array of B vitamins including folic acid.In general,broccoli is safe to eat, and any side effects are not serious. The most common side effect is gas or bowel irritation, caused by broccoli’s high amounts of fiber.

How to pick a good broccoli

It’s available all year, but it’s at its best during peak season October through April.Look for heads that are heavy with small buds tightly packed together. Yellowing is a sign that the broccoli is headed downhill.

Healthiest way to cook Broccoli

Steamed broccoli may be one of the healthiest ways to cook broccoli because it’s quick and nutrients and vitamins won’t be lost in the cooking water, as can be the case with boiled broccoli.

To boil, place in a pan of boiling water and cook the florets for 6-8 minutes. To steam, place in a steamer over boiling water and cook for 6-8 minutes. Broccoli to be stir-fried should be separated into bite-sized florets, heat 1 tbsp of oil in a frying pan and add the florets, cook for 4-5 minutes or until tender.

Top 10 Benefits of Boroccoli

Healthy Immune System

Broccoli contains Vitamin C the most essential nutrient for immune function.Research indicates that vitamin C plays a role in both the prevention and treatment of various illnesses.

Slows the Aging Process

Vegetables with the highest vitamin C content like broccoli is found to maintain skin elasticity and other skin qualities, small studies have showed that people who have more of green and yellow vegetables have less wrinkles.

Helps in Healthy Digestion

Broccoli is rich in fiber and antioxidants — both of which may support healthy bowel function and digestive health.

Contains Fibre, Vitamins, Minerals and Bioactive Compounds

Broccoli is full of nutrients which help to prevent and fight pollution and toxins.Its ability to act down on certain pollutant,makes it an effective anti pollutiont food.It also contains lutein, a carotenoid that works like beta carotene. Lutein helps protect your skin from oxidative damage, which can cause your skin to become dry and wrinkled.Since broccoli is rich in fiber, it can help get rid of toxins through the digestive tract. Other than this, broccoli is also full of antioxidants that help in overall detoxification of the body. Broccoi includes special phytonutrients that help in the body’s detox process.

One cup (approx 90 grams) of raw broccoli packs:

  • Carbs: 6 grams
  • Protein: 2.6 gram
  • Fat: 0.3 grams
  • Fiber: 2.4 grams
  • Vitamin C: 135% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 11% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 116% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate): 14% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 8% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus: 6% of the RDI
  • Selenium: 3% of the RDI

*RDI meaning Reference Daily Intake

Powerful Antioxidants That Offer Protective Effects On Health

The two compounds in broccoli and particularly broccoli sprouts that have the most protective effect against oxidative damage are glucoraphanin and sulforaphane, collectively called glucosinolates. Sulforaphane is responsible for many of the benefits of broccoli sprouts

Reduced Inflammation

Broccoli packed with vitamins C and K, folate, and fiber and also various bioactive compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation in your body tissue.

Prevention of Cancer

Multiple studies have shown that eating cruciferous vegetables may helps to prevent certain type of cancer Breast, Prostate, Gastric/Stomach, Colorectal, Renal/Kidney, Bladder though more research is needed.

Blood Sugar Control

Broccoli is a very good source of dietary fibres and sulforaphane (a chemical mainly found in cruciferous vegetables). Dietary fibres can take long to breakdown and digest therefore this ensures that the glucose is metabolised slowly, which in turn prevents untimely blood sugar spikes.

Support Heart Health

Specific anti-oxidant found in broccoli reduces the chances of heart attact.Few studies have also shown that by taking supplements of powdered broccoli sprouts control bad cholestrol (LDL) increases good cholestrol (HDL) level in people facing heart related issues and it also control triglycerides level in body.

Support Healthy Brain Function

Presence of a bioactive chemical compound sulforaphane found in broccoli have the potential to support brain function after an event of reduced oxygenation to the brain.It may have a protective effect on brain cells.However, more research is needed to establish this relationship in humans.

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