Apple Crumble


Apple Crumble

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Apple Crumble

Every year, on the last day in September, peoplearound the world gather to make apple crumbles. An apple crumble is a bakedfruit dessert. The crumble includes rolled oats and nut to give a crunchytexture, the crumble is baked in an oven until the topping becomes crisp. Thisclassic recipe is very easy to make, in this recipe pecans along with oats havebeen used. Pecan nuts because of its structure and buttery flavor makes aninteresting topping for apple crumble. Native to America, these pricey nuts arerelated to the walnut and grow enclosed in a brownish-red oval shell. Incasepecan nuts are not easily available in the nearby grocery store than walnutscan be a good alternative to make this apple crumble recipe. This dessert isvery healthy because pecan nuts contain monounsaturated fats such as oleic acidalong with antioxidants which help reduce the risk of heart disease. Accordingto the National Pecan Sheller’s Association, adding a handful of pecan nuts inyour diet helps decrease LDL i.e. ‘bad cholesterol’ and increase HDL i.e. ‘goodcholesterol’, which in turn prevent stroke and coronary artery disease. Thesenuts also help to reduce weight and are easy on digestion. For sweetness toomuch sugar is considered not to be healthy so use of honey not only balancesthe sweetness of this dessert but also honey does contain higher fructoselevels, it's relatively low on the glycemic index, making it one of the bestsugar substitutes of the bunch. One study found that replacing sugar with honeycould actually lower blood sugar levels and prevent weight gain or aid inweight loss.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 4 Person


  • 3 Big Apples (peeled and sliced finely)
  • 1 Lemon Juice (to prevent apple turning brown)
  • 2 tbsp Granulated Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Cinnamon Powder
  • 2 tbsp Honey
  • 2 tbsp Maple Syrup
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • A pinch of Salt
  • 1 tbsp Cornstarch/Corn Flour (dissolved in water)
  • 1 cup Roasted Pecans/Walnuts (roughly chopped)

For the Crumble

  • 2 tbsp Maida/Refined Flour
  • 1 cup Granola
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon Powder
  • 2 tsp Butter (take frozen)
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • A pinch of Salt


Preparation for the Crumble

  • In a bowl add granola, roughly chopped pecans,honey, cinnamon powder, a pinch of salt, frozen butter mix it well with hands,spread half the mixture on the apples and on other half add maida and make a crumble.

Step 1

  • In a big bowl add peeled thinly sliced and chopped apples, then add juice of a lemon and mix it well.

Step 2

  • Take pan heat butter and add thinly sliced and chopped apples.

Step 3

  • Add maple syrup, honey, cinnamon powder, sugar& salt. Let it cook on high flame.

Step 4

  • At last add corn flour diluted with water to itand let it thicken on low flame for 2 more minutes. Turn off the flame.

Step 5

  • Add chopped pecans/walnuts and mix it well.

Step 6

  • Take a baking tray add first layer of the apple mixture and then top it with the granola mixture & other half crumble mix to make it crisp.

Step 7

  • Bake it at 180 degree centigrade for 25-30minutes, till golden brown crust. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and some caramel sauce.


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